Healthy habits for healthy hair

No one is immune to the depressing effects of bad hair. Most people think that it’s the fault of their DNA when their hair loses its lustre. Unfortunately, bad genes are only one thing people can inherit from parents. Health, diet, and even things you do to your hair frequently can also be as damaging to hair as genetics. You will be glad to know that unlocking the secret to having effortless, perfect hair is pretty much equivalent to discovering the eighth new wonder of the world. We all deserve to have fabulous looking hair, and yes, we all can. With the below healthy habits that you can adopt, you will be able to improve the volume and vibrancy of your hair naturally, giving you the confidence that you need!

1. Eat enough protein, vitamins and minerals

One of the key ingredients to having great hair is a balanced diet. Since a strand of hair is composed primarily of protein, it needs protein to grow. Some of the greatest sources of protein can be found in chicken, turkey, fish, dairy products, legumes, and nuts. Besides stocking up on the protein, there are other vitamins you should make sure you’re taking, whether through food or supplements. A daily intake of iron, vitamin D, zinc, and B-complex vitamins will improve the health of your hair.

2. Avoid tying your hair too often

Tying your hair to the back consistently over a period of time can cause a constant tension that damages the hair follicles of your hair. But sometimes you just have no choice. We suggest that you can try tying your hair looser and never tie your hair while it’s wet, as that is the time when your hair is weakest. You can try using metal-free elastic bands to help prevent hair breakage.

3. Brush the right way

Believe it or not, there is actually a right way to brush your hair. In fact, some things to avoid when brushing hair are brushing from the root to the tip, as this rips hair out of the follicle; brushing when wet; brushing too often; using the wrong brush, as you should be using natural boar bristles which are gentler and better at distributing oils, and using dirty brushes that get clogged up with stray hairs and product build up.

4. Dry your hair right

Be careful not to blow dry your hair too soon. Since hair is less elastic when it is wet, it will be more prone to breaking from the tug of the brush. The last bit of moisture in your hair is what provides the set, so you can start blow drying a little bit to get the excess water out, let your hair air dry until it is about 80% dry, and then style as needed. One exception for those with those extra coarse, curly, or dry locks, is to let the hair air dry to only 25 to 50% to avoid that frizz. And always remember to use extra caution when drying it with a towel because of its extra sensitivity.

5. Trim when necessary

Getting regular trims keep the hair looking healthy and prevent splits from working their way up strands, which would cause you to chop off even more hair down the road. Do remember, avoiding the salon is actually counterproductive to growing out your hair. The ends are drying and splitting, so you’re not getting the length. Regular trims ensure minimal split ends or breakage, and a trim is recommended every six to eight weeks. So snip away!

6. Shampoo sparingly

Over-washing will remove too much oil from the scalp and dry out strands, despite how gentle of a shampoo you could be using. In fact, most women need to shampoo only three times a week — and less often if their hair is on the dry side. Also bear in mind that less frequent washing will also mean not as much blow-drying, which is another culprit of parching and destroying your hair.

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